The Instant Influence method to motivate the prospect to change supplier

Most salespeople explain to potential customers why they should buy a product or service. We try to explain to prospects, for example, what are the reasons why they should change supplier, trying to sell them to them. Unfortunately, however valid the reasons and however effective the discourse, this strategy never works .

Why? For one simple reason: customers don’t buy for the seller’s reasons, but for their own. Identifying them allows you to motivate the interlocutor , leading him towards the closure of the contract and thus increasing sales

Here are its 2 main advantages:

It learns quickly

The results are instantaneous.

Whether it’s motivating your sales team to be more productive or convincing a customer to choose your product or switch suppliers, the Instant Influence method helps anyone take “that first, critical step towards change”, in 6 steps:

Step one: Why might you change?

Step Two: How willing are you to change on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means “I’m not at all willing” and 10 means “I’m completely willing”?

Third step: Why didn’t you choose a lower number? (Or, if the prospect chose 1, ask the second question again, this time about a smaller step toward change, or ask, “What could make the 1 turn into a 2?”)

Fourth step: Imagine that you have changed. What would be the positive results?

Fifth step: Why are these results important to you?

Sixth step: What is the next step, if any?

1 – First step

Ask your client, “Why might you change?” Or, to influence yourself, you can ask yourself, “Why might I change?” Anyone who wants to achieve a goal, whether motivated or not, must focus on the why , the most powerful question in the world. Since people act when they hear from their own voice because they want to, until you understand the latter, focusing on the how will be futile. For this first step, you can:

Focus on the past. When there is no desirable behavior to turn to in the present, try referring to the past: “Why did you [do the thing we’re talking about] in the past? »

A fundamental point is to understand that not all whys are the same, some can lead to negative situations.